Merchant Bankers and Advisors to Food and Agriculture


Bella Carlo LLC is a group of business professionals - entrepreneurs, operators, and investors - that offers imaginative options for individuals looking to start, grow, buy, sell, and/or transition a business. We focus first on building trust with our clients and the principals in our deals. Then, we turn our attention to developing imaginative plans that emphasize the operation of a business. We're guided by the simple proposition that a good idea with a detailed operational plan will generate support and momentum, including financial backing, which, in turn, will lead to success.

Bella Carlo works with owners, managers, bankers and other financial institutions, attorneys, and accountants to build and maximize enterprise value for the benefit of all parties.

We offer three major set of services as merchant bankers and advisors to food and agriculture:

      1. Advising, analyses and management services,
      2. Investment banking, and
      3. Evaluation of investments.



© 2010 Bella Carlo, LLC. All rights reserved. Website powered by Matt J. Dunn